Max Payne 2
3. 5. 2007
Play with must start with parameter maxpayne.exe -developer.
Play with start in developer fashion paper. On side keystroke [F12] and to the
manifestation consols type this :
GetAllWeapons - all armature
GetInfiniteAmmo - infinitely ammunition
God - immortality
Mortal - become vital
NoClip - flying mode
NoClip_off - thrust forth flying mode
Coder - immortality, all armature, infinitely ammunition
Gethealth - amends life
Getbullettime - amends Bullet-Time
Getpainkillers - puts the analgetic
Jump10 - jump
Jump20 - big jump
Jump30 - very big jump
Help - display overhanging instructions
Invulnerability (make) :
player->c_sethealth ( 1 );
player->c_setimmortal ( spite );
player->c_setinvulnerable ( spite );
Invulnerability (outage) :
player->c_setimmortal ( false );
player->c_setinvulnerable ( false );
Pozn.: Type accurately and with gap !
Armature :
getbaseballbat - add only The BaseBall Bat
getdeserteagle - dessert Eagle
getberettadual - add only The Dual Berettas
getberetta - add only The Beretta
getjackhammer - add only The Jackhammer
getpumpshotgun pump - add only The Pump Shotgun
getsawedshotgun Sawed - add only The Sawed Off Shotgun
getcoltcommando - add only The Colt Commando
getdualingram - add only The Dual Ingram
getingram - add only The Ingram
getm79 - add only The M79
getgrenade - add only Grenades
getmolotov - add only inflammable bottles - Molotov Coctail
getsniper - add only Sniper Rifle
getMP5 - add only The MP5
(armature eke out st. with Lubos Lerch - Sobul -
Remark : according to one source with weapon MP5 on side Max Payne nevyskytuje.
Tip :
As far as you doesn't go at play Max Payne go out to the menu or hopping from games Escapem (e.g . freeze-up), so write to consols quit (you must have games initiation with parameter) and give the air you it straight to the Windowsu.
Couple tip from Standy Skalického :
Part 1 : The American Dream - in Chapter Eight run against diamond and on guitar, which overlies underfoot. When jump out on guitar ([SHIFT]), so give over sound. Perhaps it's getting ni and play, but it I am no-found out. Bit along from those guitar they are diamond and cymbaly. When behind you diamond withdraw (up, where about to be drummer) and press [ENTER], so Max tattoo.
Part 2 : in Chapter Five run into piano. When press [ENTER], so Max play on piano melody. Then is here even bathroom and in of that with puts let go and stop water in sink and water closet walks so flush away. It walks near everybody's water closet and sink.
Further they are all over games automata drinking and on waters. Ty function so. When give [ENTER] near automatuu drinking, so clear out tin. Here you can and shoot to bits. U automatic machine on waters, when give [ENTER], so out of him start from water. Then they are all over games even television, that have go make and break. Then here they are even public telephone (of such you phones, how be on perish), you are also functional. When give [ENTER], tak Max phone lift and be heard classical peep, of such what be ahead of dial the number.
If you want see room resembling of that, in that have sat Neo in Matrixu, beyond yourself to him came agents (near he in work), so her to find in PART 3 : Chapter 5 (have you it at ways and you must over she skirt).
V mission The Basseball Bat is simplest way liquidated antagonist bassebolovou bats such : emerge from rooms, lure on upon yourself protivnika and jdete with put aside behind door to the rooms, from that have you are send out. Now with just put up to the left from door, and strike on they. As soon as somebody open up, at once gets "bejzbolkou" after mug and no-catch up to you loose. Other protivnici will as well attend door like sheep on overthrow. Bumping bejzbolkou so long, as long as do not stop come antagonist. Now alone scrounger armature and you can normally go on.
As far as play burdensomeness NewYork Minute and simply one mission unattached, ignore heads. Just, when do any thing, after that have with start video-continuity (e.g . when zpojizdnite train in 1. mission). Only problem be preggers, that it be due to do closely in face of thereby, beyond you run out time, but when with start video-continuity, must in the corner light time 00:00. After closure videos with you though type, that you overdue time, but you can play further. Only problem is, that after you will not fire away antagonist.
As soon as buzz-bomb parts games (part I., mission with title CHAPTER SIX) begin creep
after roof, so at once creep out first windows, chop around to windows, run transport till hereto last windows, shoot to bits him and run in. Find there lashings scattergun and advertising on games Soldier of Fortune 2 : Double Helix.
To the consols write this words and show oneself jakesi instructions :
Even you can write :
SetWoundedState - will hobble
SetNormalstate - will go normally
Intro :
Whether with you want at him view, find him in components movies in directory games.¨
Animation :
Vsimete yourself that in animation in wheels At talk weapon shall they bandits on identification mark place numbers writing VODKA.
Piano :
When play on piano, so sonnet, which give over, resemble sonnet in
main menu.
Picture :
Sometime to the he shooting and he after short while fall.
Vase :
Vase you can so shoot to bits bits.
Next cheaty :
Clear - rub out text from consols
Clr - idem
showextendedfps - display enlargement FPS
Dinky secret room :
In second mission first chaps is dinky room. Set to she catch it only with code INDEED CLIP. Inhere in hall behind room with dead trance shelf sitting on chair. V of that hall jdete near genuine walling and run against door with notice maintentrance (upkeep). Are there dessert eagle and two can petrol. Only I don't know, what with the upkeep as a matter of fact mind.
Three tips for mission, where with you must catch it out of hotel :
1) into the hands of yourself vemte takes (run with with she faster).
2) extend yourself what upper-most luminosity on monitor. Go see almost everything.
3) proceed what furthest from fires.
After finish games on burdensomeness Dead he Arrival (must with minimum finish on Fugitive) with reopening secret level. Is concerned room with computer. Have you infinite time - bulletin and ammunition to the takes + spats ammunition to the by other armature. Hook be preggers, that against you states pile agent with jackhammerama. At the end is room with pretty gone drifter Remedy odd photo places, according to which was Maxikuv world creation.
As far as fire away with scattergun, so unrecommended use Bullet Time. Look it though fine, but is it less profitable sideline beyond when fire away without Bullet Time.
Certainly show through Maxe at last videos with sniperkou and grenade launcher, but you have seen him with bassebalovou bats or with metal stake ? Get along simply : grenade launcher (or other armature) shoot tower. Then shoot all antagonist, who there came. Sniperem shoot wire overleaf. Now pulling weapon, which you want see at last videos and accomplishment last wire (in of your armature must stay at least 1 bullet, otherwise Max carry other weapon). V case molotova or garnet you must stay at least 1 horsepower.
Alternative method activation cheatu :
On enabled cheatu it is necessary in menu with configuration write to empty little window -developer and on side press [~].
When be in gun battle and get you protractor mode, try to kill one of the enemy and catch it a little bulletin time-near. Then with for a while secret behind stul and muzete go to the onslaught.
Play with start in developer fashion paper. On side keystroke [F12] and to the
manifestation consols type this :
GetAllWeapons - all armature
GetInfiniteAmmo - infinitely ammunition
God - immortality
Mortal - become vital
NoClip - flying mode
NoClip_off - thrust forth flying mode
Coder - immortality, all armature, infinitely ammunition
Gethealth - amends life
Getbullettime - amends Bullet-Time
Getpainkillers - puts the analgetic
Jump10 - jump
Jump20 - big jump
Jump30 - very big jump
Help - display overhanging instructions
Invulnerability (make) :
player->c_sethealth ( 1 );
player->c_setimmortal ( spite );
player->c_setinvulnerable ( spite );
Invulnerability (outage) :
player->c_setimmortal ( false );
player->c_setinvulnerable ( false );
Pozn.: Type accurately and with gap !
Armature :
getbaseballbat - add only The BaseBall Bat
getdeserteagle - dessert Eagle
getberettadual - add only The Dual Berettas
getberetta - add only The Beretta
getjackhammer - add only The Jackhammer
getpumpshotgun pump - add only The Pump Shotgun
getsawedshotgun Sawed - add only The Sawed Off Shotgun
getcoltcommando - add only The Colt Commando
getdualingram - add only The Dual Ingram
getingram - add only The Ingram
getm79 - add only The M79
getgrenade - add only Grenades
getmolotov - add only inflammable bottles - Molotov Coctail
getsniper - add only Sniper Rifle
getMP5 - add only The MP5
(armature eke out st. with Lubos Lerch - Sobul -
Remark : according to one source with weapon MP5 on side Max Payne nevyskytuje.
Tip :
As far as you doesn't go at play Max Payne go out to the menu or hopping from games Escapem (e.g . freeze-up), so write to consols quit (you must have games initiation with parameter) and give the air you it straight to the Windowsu.
Couple tip from Standy Skalického :
Part 1 : The American Dream - in Chapter Eight run against diamond and on guitar, which overlies underfoot. When jump out on guitar ([SHIFT]), so give over sound. Perhaps it's getting ni and play, but it I am no-found out. Bit along from those guitar they are diamond and cymbaly. When behind you diamond withdraw (up, where about to be drummer) and press [ENTER], so Max tattoo.
Part 2 : in Chapter Five run into piano. When press [ENTER], so Max play on piano melody. Then is here even bathroom and in of that with puts let go and stop water in sink and water closet walks so flush away. It walks near everybody's water closet and sink.
Further they are all over games automata drinking and on waters. Ty function so. When give [ENTER] near automatuu drinking, so clear out tin. Here you can and shoot to bits. U automatic machine on waters, when give [ENTER], so out of him start from water. Then they are all over games even television, that have go make and break. Then here they are even public telephone (of such you phones, how be on perish), you are also functional. When give [ENTER], tak Max phone lift and be heard classical peep, of such what be ahead of dial the number.
If you want see room resembling of that, in that have sat Neo in Matrixu, beyond yourself to him came agents (near he in work), so her to find in PART 3 : Chapter 5 (have you it at ways and you must over she skirt).
V mission The Basseball Bat is simplest way liquidated antagonist bassebolovou bats such : emerge from rooms, lure on upon yourself protivnika and jdete with put aside behind door to the rooms, from that have you are send out. Now with just put up to the left from door, and strike on they. As soon as somebody open up, at once gets "bejzbolkou" after mug and no-catch up to you loose. Other protivnici will as well attend door like sheep on overthrow. Bumping bejzbolkou so long, as long as do not stop come antagonist. Now alone scrounger armature and you can normally go on.
As far as play burdensomeness NewYork Minute and simply one mission unattached, ignore heads. Just, when do any thing, after that have with start video-continuity (e.g . when zpojizdnite train in 1. mission). Only problem be preggers, that it be due to do closely in face of thereby, beyond you run out time, but when with start video-continuity, must in the corner light time 00:00. After closure videos with you though type, that you overdue time, but you can play further. Only problem is, that after you will not fire away antagonist.
As soon as buzz-bomb parts games (part I., mission with title CHAPTER SIX) begin creep
after roof, so at once creep out first windows, chop around to windows, run transport till hereto last windows, shoot to bits him and run in. Find there lashings scattergun and advertising on games Soldier of Fortune 2 : Double Helix.
To the consols write this words and show oneself jakesi instructions :
Even you can write :
SetWoundedState - will hobble
SetNormalstate - will go normally
Intro :
Whether with you want at him view, find him in components movies in directory games.¨
Animation :
Vsimete yourself that in animation in wheels At talk weapon shall they bandits on identification mark place numbers writing VODKA.
Piano :
When play on piano, so sonnet, which give over, resemble sonnet in
main menu.
Picture :
Sometime to the he shooting and he after short while fall.
Vase :
Vase you can so shoot to bits bits.
Next cheaty :
Clear - rub out text from consols
Clr - idem
showextendedfps - display enlargement FPS
Dinky secret room :
In second mission first chaps is dinky room. Set to she catch it only with code INDEED CLIP. Inhere in hall behind room with dead trance shelf sitting on chair. V of that hall jdete near genuine walling and run against door with notice maintentrance (upkeep). Are there dessert eagle and two can petrol. Only I don't know, what with the upkeep as a matter of fact mind.
Three tips for mission, where with you must catch it out of hotel :
1) into the hands of yourself vemte takes (run with with she faster).
2) extend yourself what upper-most luminosity on monitor. Go see almost everything.
3) proceed what furthest from fires.
After finish games on burdensomeness Dead he Arrival (must with minimum finish on Fugitive) with reopening secret level. Is concerned room with computer. Have you infinite time - bulletin and ammunition to the takes + spats ammunition to the by other armature. Hook be preggers, that against you states pile agent with jackhammerama. At the end is room with pretty gone drifter Remedy odd photo places, according to which was Maxikuv world creation.
As far as fire away with scattergun, so unrecommended use Bullet Time. Look it though fine, but is it less profitable sideline beyond when fire away without Bullet Time.
Certainly show through Maxe at last videos with sniperkou and grenade launcher, but you have seen him with bassebalovou bats or with metal stake ? Get along simply : grenade launcher (or other armature) shoot tower. Then shoot all antagonist, who there came. Sniperem shoot wire overleaf. Now pulling weapon, which you want see at last videos and accomplishment last wire (in of your armature must stay at least 1 bullet, otherwise Max carry other weapon). V case molotova or garnet you must stay at least 1 horsepower.
Alternative method activation cheatu :
On enabled cheatu it is necessary in menu with configuration write to empty little window -developer and on side press [~].
When be in gun battle and get you protractor mode, try to kill one of the enemy and catch it a little bulletin time-near. Then with for a while secret behind stul and muzete go to the onslaught.