Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
3. 5. 2007
1) double laser sword :
At play in multiplayeru press [Shift] + [~] for display consols. Write to she "devmap [name map]" for activation cheat fashion paper. After record engaged map Choose luminous sword, with that again secret and to the consols write
2) Cheat mode :
At play pressing [Shift] + [~] (in one version just only himself [~] for display consols, to the she write aktivacni cheat "devmapall" or
"helpusobi 1". With that already inline cheaty at pleasure.
god - immortality
give all - all armature, rude and shield
give weapons - all armature
give ammo - amends ammunition
give health - rude
give armoured - full of shield
give force - amends measurer force
give inventory - amends inventory
give batteries - amends energy
undying - 999 point health
noclip - stroll walls
notarget - set aside intelligence enemy
give weaponnum [weapon number] - add presentation weapon
spawn [iter name] - add mentioned object
map [lion name] - selection map
drill_atst - steerage AT-ST zpohledu stranger
use atst_death - annihilate all AT-ST
f_xwing - falling-down games
levelshot - peep picture without display consols
screenshot - peep picture inclusive consols
r_showtris ! - display limitation
setviewpos [x] [y] [z] [yaw] - place cameras on presentation sourednice
force_heal - using acquirements cure
setforcejump [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforceheal [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcepush [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcepull [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcespeed [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcegrip [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcelightning [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforceall [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setsaberthrow [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setsaberoffense [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setsaberdefense [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
sabercolor [r, orange, yellow, green, blues, or purple] - colour control luminous swords
g_dismemberProbabilities 0 - setting luminous swords
g_dismemberment 1 - relentingly dole luminous swords
thereisnospoon Max Payne - continual bullettime
npc kilim all - kill all stature vokoli
taunt - gird at
Vic-Tory - victory
where [classname] - shrift enemy position
give eweaps - slight effect
control [NPC name] - operating one Allies, which walks with you
kilim - suicide
com_speeds ! - obscurity
r_speeds ! - obscurity
nav - obscurity
exitview - obscurity
setobjective [objective number] - obscurity
display status [status] - obscurity
viewobjective [objective number] - obscurity
g_saberrealisticcombat 1-5 - Realistika (pr.sword possibly cut off arm and is also stronger)
3) subjects :
Used order "spawn [iter name]"
4) map:
For record map type "map [name map]"
yavin_finishing spurt
duett_only thing ...)
4) stature :
Write npc spawn name (see below]
and) blonde side force and next aides (try you assist in, so on them non-aggression or you it return, specific colour swords) :
Luke - all force on 3.levels, green sword
kyle - like weapon like you, NEUTOCI!! NEBRANI WITH!!
only thing ...) - majority coaming on 3.levels, yellow sword
jedi2 - majority coaming on 3.levels, orange sword
jeditrainer - majority coaming on 3.levels, violet sword
jedif - majority coaming on 3.levels, always other colour swords, woman
lando - E11 Blaster jeans
Joan - E11 Blaster jeans
rebel - E11 Blaster jeans
prisoner - unarmed (advise yourself on they examine force and armature)
monmothma - any weapon, walks all the time behind you
bespincop - friendly weapon
b) dark side force and next enemy (at once up to you attack, colour swords always red) :
desann - perhaps all on 3.levels, sword
tavion - majority coaming on 2.levels, Desannova discipular, sword
shadowtrooper - majority coaming on 2.levels, has stone force, sword
swamptrooper - Golan arns FC-1 Flechette weapon
stormtrooper - E11 Blaster jeans
stock-Ian - Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor jeans (sniperka)
garnet - Thermal detonator
reborn - on the whole weak force,amber, sword
rebornboss - about slightly more stronger beyond reborn, red, sword
formal dress - E11 Blaster jeans
reelo - E11 Blaster jeans, one stroke cehokoliv and walks to the earth
ugnaught - unarmed, has some case
Storm-pilot - friendly weapon
trandoshan - Imperial Heavy Repeate
weequay - Wookie Bowcoaster
rebornforceuser - mesoscale, clay, sword
rebornacrobat - mesoscale, blue, sword
rebornfencer - mesoscale, green light colour, sword
I don't know, how is it in full of version, but in demovce (near higher burdensomeness) be fairly useful with in combating fellow with luminous swords return back to of that tower in the middle of dark deep. Jump on ni and mostly the fellow pour off down. When no, so with him strike out in the doorway - comes me better, beyond in free prostrantstvi. Certainly with it shy at Jedi Knight or Jedi Master.
V this case I am every time dismantling at least one's, if not both.
6) couple tip :
Code taunt them to a gird at. Mostly with this cheat using only in combination with luminous swords (Kyle the sword by force turns above arm), but I want you give this tip : this code taunt walks use and with other thing beyond with the sword, so that you can possibly turn above arm revolver or somebody's from of your munitions.
A when yourself give luminous sword, so pressing perhaps with pulvterinovym or second distance A's (no on numerical klavsnici) and Kyle the sword only shoot, but sword stay extraction. Has it only small error : do that the hissing sound at retraction swords.
A in lion Bespin streets, how are there the Sith above by those door (to the right up and then jump down down), so of that manslaughter and open you door. Are there two guys (one is dead and latter up to you begins talk). After that, what Kyle therewith fellow dokeca, so jdete to to those door behind him and let them, to with opening, but at once, how with open, so jdete back and button-down yourself jump on summit (code setforcejump 3 or setforceall 3) and revert to the places spinning door, where with detected the Sith (on the right up above door) and by force there jump out. Then with huddle up and help yourself to cigarettes' weapon issue four (such the sniperka - whether her have not, so give code give weapons or give all) and done-for you two typky at the door against you and then to the left is next typek - be in at second door overleaf - of that unslung so. A then with after of that roof of that hut, whereat very you are, pay off or get on horn (opposite is another typek with garnet - of that unslung, and so here monkey or what it has be past horn). A how is along it gun (or perhaps machine-gun ?), so ther's it then in fair weather. Then there nobody will not come. If you went normally by those door behind thereby kecajicim fellow, so with near of that ordnance roll out quite enough typku, who you want liquidate.
As far as played games over internet, advise have setting these force : Repulse, attraction, capture, lightning, onslaught swords, defence swords and put swords (indeed everything on 3 levels). It though entails, that will you play behind dark parties and won't you with may e.g . restore to health, but has it and her benefits like e.g . when use of force capture, so you can quickly antagonist pop into some gorge and have you point.
As far as sometimes in Multiplayeru you will see server with in the name of Join & Play, so indicate to him add, because is quite safe and trustfulness. Alone with at him from time to time add and I must say that being it bomb, because with reveal scarcely ever.
At play in multiplayeru press [Shift] + [~] for display consols. Write to she "devmap [name map]" for activation cheat fashion paper. After record engaged map Choose luminous sword, with that again secret and to the consols write
2) Cheat mode :
At play pressing [Shift] + [~] (in one version just only himself [~] for display consols, to the she write aktivacni cheat "devmapall" or
"helpusobi 1". With that already inline cheaty at pleasure.
god - immortality
give all - all armature, rude and shield
give weapons - all armature
give ammo - amends ammunition
give health - rude
give armoured - full of shield
give force - amends measurer force
give inventory - amends inventory
give batteries - amends energy
undying - 999 point health
noclip - stroll walls
notarget - set aside intelligence enemy
give weaponnum [weapon number] - add presentation weapon
spawn [iter name] - add mentioned object
map [lion name] - selection map
drill_atst - steerage AT-ST zpohledu stranger
use atst_death - annihilate all AT-ST
f_xwing - falling-down games
levelshot - peep picture without display consols
screenshot - peep picture inclusive consols
r_showtris ! - display limitation
setviewpos [x] [y] [z] [yaw] - place cameras on presentation sourednice
force_heal - using acquirements cure
setforcejump [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforceheal [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcepush [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcepull [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcespeed [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcegrip [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforcelightning [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setforceall [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setsaberthrow [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setsaberoffense [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
setsaberdefense [1-3] - extend skill at intervals 1-3
sabercolor [r, orange, yellow, green, blues, or purple] - colour control luminous swords
g_dismemberProbabilities 0 - setting luminous swords
g_dismemberment 1 - relentingly dole luminous swords
thereisnospoon Max Payne - continual bullettime
npc kilim all - kill all stature vokoli
taunt - gird at
Vic-Tory - victory
where [classname] - shrift enemy position
give eweaps - slight effect
control [NPC name] - operating one Allies, which walks with you
kilim - suicide
com_speeds ! - obscurity
r_speeds ! - obscurity
nav - obscurity
exitview - obscurity
setobjective [objective number] - obscurity
display status [status] - obscurity
viewobjective [objective number] - obscurity
g_saberrealisticcombat 1-5 - Realistika (pr.sword possibly cut off arm and is also stronger)
3) subjects :
Used order "spawn [iter name]"
4) map:
For record map type "map [name map]"
yavin_finishing spurt
duett_only thing ...)
4) stature :
Write npc spawn name (see below]
and) blonde side force and next aides (try you assist in, so on them non-aggression or you it return, specific colour swords) :
Luke - all force on 3.levels, green sword
kyle - like weapon like you, NEUTOCI!! NEBRANI WITH!!
only thing ...) - majority coaming on 3.levels, yellow sword
jedi2 - majority coaming on 3.levels, orange sword
jeditrainer - majority coaming on 3.levels, violet sword
jedif - majority coaming on 3.levels, always other colour swords, woman
lando - E11 Blaster jeans
Joan - E11 Blaster jeans
rebel - E11 Blaster jeans
prisoner - unarmed (advise yourself on they examine force and armature)
monmothma - any weapon, walks all the time behind you
bespincop - friendly weapon
b) dark side force and next enemy (at once up to you attack, colour swords always red) :
desann - perhaps all on 3.levels, sword
tavion - majority coaming on 2.levels, Desannova discipular, sword
shadowtrooper - majority coaming on 2.levels, has stone force, sword
swamptrooper - Golan arns FC-1 Flechette weapon
stormtrooper - E11 Blaster jeans
stock-Ian - Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor jeans (sniperka)
garnet - Thermal detonator
reborn - on the whole weak force,amber, sword
rebornboss - about slightly more stronger beyond reborn, red, sword
formal dress - E11 Blaster jeans
reelo - E11 Blaster jeans, one stroke cehokoliv and walks to the earth
ugnaught - unarmed, has some case
Storm-pilot - friendly weapon
trandoshan - Imperial Heavy Repeate
weequay - Wookie Bowcoaster
rebornforceuser - mesoscale, clay, sword
rebornacrobat - mesoscale, blue, sword
rebornfencer - mesoscale, green light colour, sword
I don't know, how is it in full of version, but in demovce (near higher burdensomeness) be fairly useful with in combating fellow with luminous swords return back to of that tower in the middle of dark deep. Jump on ni and mostly the fellow pour off down. When no, so with him strike out in the doorway - comes me better, beyond in free prostrantstvi. Certainly with it shy at Jedi Knight or Jedi Master.
V this case I am every time dismantling at least one's, if not both.
6) couple tip :
Code taunt them to a gird at. Mostly with this cheat using only in combination with luminous swords (Kyle the sword by force turns above arm), but I want you give this tip : this code taunt walks use and with other thing beyond with the sword, so that you can possibly turn above arm revolver or somebody's from of your munitions.
A when yourself give luminous sword, so pressing perhaps with pulvterinovym or second distance A's (no on numerical klavsnici) and Kyle the sword only shoot, but sword stay extraction. Has it only small error : do that the hissing sound at retraction swords.
A in lion Bespin streets, how are there the Sith above by those door (to the right up and then jump down down), so of that manslaughter and open you door. Are there two guys (one is dead and latter up to you begins talk). After that, what Kyle therewith fellow dokeca, so jdete to to those door behind him and let them, to with opening, but at once, how with open, so jdete back and button-down yourself jump on summit (code setforcejump 3 or setforceall 3) and revert to the places spinning door, where with detected the Sith (on the right up above door) and by force there jump out. Then with huddle up and help yourself to cigarettes' weapon issue four (such the sniperka - whether her have not, so give code give weapons or give all) and done-for you two typky at the door against you and then to the left is next typek - be in at second door overleaf - of that unslung so. A then with after of that roof of that hut, whereat very you are, pay off or get on horn (opposite is another typek with garnet - of that unslung, and so here monkey or what it has be past horn). A how is along it gun (or perhaps machine-gun ?), so ther's it then in fair weather. Then there nobody will not come. If you went normally by those door behind thereby kecajicim fellow, so with near of that ordnance roll out quite enough typku, who you want liquidate.
As far as played games over internet, advise have setting these force : Repulse, attraction, capture, lightning, onslaught swords, defence swords and put swords (indeed everything on 3 levels). It though entails, that will you play behind dark parties and won't you with may e.g . restore to health, but has it and her benefits like e.g . when use of force capture, so you can quickly antagonist pop into some gorge and have you point.
As far as sometimes in Multiplayeru you will see server with in the name of Join & Play, so indicate to him add, because is quite safe and trustfulness. Alone with at him from time to time add and I must say that being it bomb, because with reveal scarcely ever.