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Zoo tycon 2

2. 5. 2007
Free of change timber and equipment :

When play at Zoo fashion paper (campaingn, challenge and freeform), so in most Zoo have you timber, that have there already was once. Only thing what been made by is, that left mysitkem on them click and already is you can transfer there, where it have need of. Save it money and it is very simple trust.

Awards and breeding :

Roachback 15 000$ - yes!!!

Castor American 10 000$ - yes

Krododyl nilský 3 000$ - yes

Pelican fiery 2 000$ - no

Izard 2 000$ - no

Gorilla common 20 000$ - yes!!!

Kengura australská 3 000$ - no

Leopard snow 20 000$ - yes

Reindeer common 1 250$ - no

Ostrich common 5 500$ - no

Panda red 20 000$ - yes!!!

Penguin common 2 000$ - no

Bengal tiger 15 000$ - yes

Zebra striped 3 000$ - no

Rhinoceros black 10 000$ - yes

Peacock common 1 250$ - no (alone for personal pleasure, because is pretty)

Giant panda 50 000$ - yes !!! (Certainly her to you must have!)

Okapi 5 500$ - yes

Leo 7 500$ - yes

Macaco 10 000$ - yes !!!

Jaguar common 5 500$ - yes

Walrus common 7 500$ - yes

Giraffe 7 500$ - no

Cheetah 7 500$ - yes !!!

Thomsonova gazelle 1 250$ - no

Elephant African 20 000$ - no

Chimpanzee 15 000$ - yes !!!

Dromedary 1 250$ - yes/no - so among.

Bear ice 10 000$ - yes !!!